Fertility & Preconception

Some of the many ways yoga can support your fertility go well beyond your trying to conceive phase of life.

I love to remind my clients that conception care is holistic. It supports the whole person, from conception through motherhood and beyond. These skills will stay with you for life.

Hormonal Balance

By syncing your workouts with your menstrual phase, you can potentially promote a more balanced hormonal environment, avoid depletion and burnout.

Stress Reduction

High-stress levels can disrupt the menstrual cycle and interfere with ovulation, potentially affecting fertility. Yoga has been found to target the same genes that are also the targets for stress, hence reversing and mitigating its effects.

Optimal Physical Condition

Fertility isn't just about hormones; it’s also about the physical condition of the body. Engaging in exercises that are aligned with your body's current state can potentially lead to better overall health, setting a conducive environment for conception.

Relationship to self

This awareness can improve our connections to self and others, cultivating self care and self compassion. Sometimes, my clients need someone to talk to; there’s great healing power in having space to be heard and supported.


Epigenetics is the science of how your behaviours and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. Your genes themselves don't change, but the way they're expressed changes. Epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence.

The way you grow now will have a resounding impact on future generations.


How do I know if I’m ovulating?


Female Vitality